Sunday, March 11, 2012

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.

1. I love hosting. Dinner parties, girls night, anything, just give me an excuse to go all out and I will.
2. Finding new music and making cds for people gives me great joy.
3. I love putting together gifts. For birthdays, babies, weddings or just because and they will always include a homemade cd. One day I will be a professional 'gift-puter-together'
4. I love the finer things in life, but would give it all up in a second and move to rural Africa or Mexico. 
5. I would like to be a top executive and at the same time I want to be a stay at home mom.
6. I collect dishes and wine glasses, but only 2 of each kind-it's eclectic that way.
7. I want to write a book about my life one day. not to publish, just to have.
8. I  love to sing along to any Sigur Ros song, in icelandic jibberish.
9. I have a yellow car named 'Hielo'. It has been my dream car since I was 10.
10. In my life I want to visit every Latin American country at least once. 
11. My 'strengths' are: developer, arranger, positivity, responsibility, and maximizer. I think they fit.
12. I am just like my dad was in a lot of ways and I love that. 
13. I love my brothers. They make me laugh to no end.
14. My favorite movie of all time: Breakfast at Tiffany's. Favorite 80's movie: Say Anything. 
15. I love driving. It gives me a sense of control and freedom.
16. I am a girly girl that can also get my nails dirty, and tough it out with the boys.
17. I would move back to Mexico in a heartbeat. 
18. My favorite place on earth: Anvil Island.
19. I want to own a B&B on the water one day.
20. I love kids from babies to teens. "When I approach a child, they inspire in me two sentiments; tenderness for what they are, and respect for what they may become."

1 comment:

  1. 21. I am loved and cherished by lots of people in this world =)
